Wednesday 7 August 2013

T-cell Receptor Rearrangement- unravelled

Cells of the adaptive immune system, i.e. B- and T-cells are amazingly diverse. They have to be to deal with myriad antigens that the body is exposed to. This diversity is achieved by rearrangement of the receptors on B and T cells during development. While I was aware of this, there was one unanswered question that had always puzzled me...until today. I'll share this shortly.

It is common knowledge that B cell "receptors" are comprised of immunoglobulins, which consist of heavy and light chains. Both have invariant constant (C) regions and variable regions. It is obviously the latter that contribute to their diversity and specificity. In the heavy chains, the variable regions are further comprised of V, D, and J regions ( stand for variable, diversity and joining). The light chain variable chains lack a D region and only consist of V & J regions. Each V, D or J domain has numerous alleles- up to 60, 70 or even more. Thus there are a high number of combinations possible, remembering that a given Ig chain will contain only one each of V, D or J. (Figure 1). These regions are flanked by signal sequences that allow their recognition in order that recombination may occur. These recognition sites undergo further changes -mutations- on exposure to antigens, a process called somatic hypermutation, resulting in increased affinity of the antibody for its antigen- affinity maturation.

Now we come to the reason for this post. T cells, instead of having immunoglobulins on their cell surface, have dimeric receptor chains- either a combination of alpha and beta or a combination of gamma and delta. alpha-beta T cells make up ~95% of all T cells, while the gamma-delta T cells are in a minority. It was therefore puzzling for me to note that in haematological malignancies such as leukaemias and lymphomas, it was usual to test for rearrangement of receptor chains in gamma chains, which are present in only 5% of T cells, rather than in alpha or beta chains, which make up the other 95%.

Here's why. Using standard methods such as Southern blotting, or increasingly now, PCR, you need a much smaller number of probes if were looking for clonality in T-gamma chains, than if you employed T-alpha or T-beta chains. Firstly, T-gamma chains only have V & J region and lack a D region, unlike T-alpha or T-beta. More importantly, the T-gamma chain has far less recombination-capable segments than either T-alpha or T-beta chains. For example, T-alpha has 70 V segments and at least 61 J segments spread over a large area (thus increasing the difficulty of Southern blotting). On the other hand the T-gamma chain has only 14 V segments and 5 J segments, and is therefore much easier to probe.

BTW, the same enzymes- RAG 1 and RAG 2, are responsible for splicing and rejoining of the various V, D and J regions in both B and T cells, which is the basis of severe combined immunodeficiency when there is a problem with RAG. However, unlike B cells, somatic hypermutation and affinity maturation does not occur in T cells. Nevertheless, further diversity is introduced by an enzyme called Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) which randomly makes changes in the junctions between V, D and J chains. As the enzyme TdT is only present in immature lymphocytes, its presence or absence can inform the stage in lymphocyte ontogeny at which a lymphoid neoplasm arose.

Figure 1. Germline organisation of the T cell receptor genes


  1. ...Tnx for the posting...will wrk on this peacefully as Eid Holidays r here...!!

  2. Eid Mubarik...!!!...the current post has generated lot of interest in Immune mechanisms & deficiency nd Ur deliberations r simple nd easy to grasp....these won't be available the way u hv presented in the txt books....Tnx nd ful appreciation....!!!

  3. ...just for the records....these days I am thinking of studying in detail Parasitology & Microbiology.... K D Chatterjee's magnum opus: "Parasitology-protozoology & helminthology" is still with me but the 2009 edn is the latest....which I am trying to I learnt the full name of KD Chatterjee : Dr KrishnaDhan Chatterjee MD(Cal),First edn 21st August 1957.Calcutta with CMC had lot of good authors related to medicine....the lucidity of Chatterjee's parasitology ,the presentation is unparalleled keeping in view the dull subject nd was instrumental in generating lot of interest in the students.....similar book was by S.Das manual of Surgery....School of Tropical Medicine Cal is also a nodal point in the region which included Patna, whr gud brains were at wrk as teachers nd authors...ur dealing of the T & B cell subject nd its lucidity, simply triggered these thoughts....!!!...Tnx once again...!!!

  4. Thanks for your enthusiasm, Shonkus. Somebody once said that of all the life enhancing qualities, enthusiasm is probably the greatest.

    Yes, I love Immunology, because it explains so much of what goes on, not just with infectious diseases, but also with cancer, autoimmunity and even apparently non-immunological areas such as ageing and endocrinology. Truth be told, it is a subject I could spend hours on and never get bored.

    Why do you think, for example, that children growing up in farms have a lower incidence of asthma and allergic rhinitis than other children? Why do children in developing countries, suffering disproportionately high incidence of parasitic infections, have a lower prevalence of autoimmune disorders in later life? Why do you need one pneumococcal vaccine for adults and a separate one for children under the age of two? Why is it that AIDS sufferers are vulnerable to tuberculosis, salmonellosis, and listeriosis, but no to other bacterial infections?

    Immunology has the answer to all the above. Some of these issues are discussed elsewhere in this blog. They are not so much for the edification of others as milestones of my own burgeoning appreciation of the enormity, scope, and ubiquity of the subject.

  5. .....since Immunology at its microscopic level is the answer to corrective treatment....I think its place is un paralleled nd probably it will keep our Interest firmly rooted.I now realize how gifted we r tht our parents supported our endeavor in Medicine nd given us a long rope for riveting our Interest in a subject directly affecting the human race....I think,learning is a Hashish which will keep u young eternally....nd whn it involves solid scientific basis....nd threadbare etiology at the micro level its goin to generate more mental happiness & gratification.....we r lucky tht our subject of Medicine throws constant challenge....making us more strong internally....making us feel further young......always ready for a wrestling bout with the disease process which directly generate melancholia to the afflicted race....appreciate ur pointed queries as cited in ur a humble way I generate enthusiasm in my pts. in a far more Rustic & Rusty way, with my shallow knowledge, discussing their problems, so tht they understand their problems nd negotiate with it at least mentally....I tell thm ,see, ur dealing with a perishable Item nd not an Iron Nail...hence negotiate in ur minds eye the vulnerability of ur situation nd gud wishes,gud luck nd gud state of ur correct understanding will relieve u of the burden of ur ailment...never get the ailment better of u however sick ur....!!!!....Tnx for being a catalyst of soaring up of any flagging interest.....I will tell u the truth,last two days of holidays hv been torturous with me away frm the routine of sawal nd Jawab : Sawal frm the pt. nd jawab frm my side....I am upbeat for tomorrow's resumption nd will set the tone of the day briskly....the clinic is well aware of tht nd they know they hv to double up at least, for the morn.OPD......!!!....Tnx again for lending ur Ears....!!!!

  6. Pl. allow me to present a case of Sanibar Rahman M/30,of Pabna Distt. of Bengal. Now, residing nd working in a picturesque resort of Komandoo ( Lhaviyani Atoll, nd my pt.since 2012 Apr.nd refusing rptd.referals to higher centers, being v fond of me... Sanibar presented, on 09/04/12 with c/o easy fatiguability,loss of wt of 5kg in 5 mths.There were no other complaints nd no relevant medical or fmly history....he is in Maldives islands for over a decade now.., why I tried to refer him is as follows :Inv. revealed : Lab. reporting me tht Pts serum was highly Lipiemic. Biochemistry: LFT revealed ALT 402 IU/l,AST 230 IU/l,Alk Posph. 203 IU/l,GGT 51u/l,Direct Bil 15mg/dl,Total Bil 20.4mg/dl,BUN & Creatinine Normal,S.Chol- 695mg/dl,HDL Chol 340mg/dl(Lipid profile couldn't be done since he did not report overnite fasting)Sodium Potassium couldn't be done since the machine didn't respond as told by lab...Total Pr. 19.8g/l,Albumin 7.6g/dl,Uric Acid stood at 60.4mg/dl,RBS @ 589mg/dl. Hematology- ESR stood at 26mm/1st hr. Hb% Normal. Urine routine reveals 4+ Sugar, with no ketonuria, nd Urobilinogen being normal without any evidence of Bilirubin,Blood,Nitrite, Microscopy was normal.He was referred to ADK Hosp.whr the reporting tallied with ours on 95% of items.....However ,upon Pts. repeated req. he was put on t/t on an opd basis with instructions to seek proper leave frm the Resort mgmt. nd revert back asap, which he could only do on 12/7/12, i.e aft. 3mths.This time he didn't show any signs of ailment, except for his anxiousness abt a follow up which I agreed nd it was as follows :Hb % 12gm/dl, FBS 198mg/dl, Total Bilirubin 1mg/dl, Direct Bilirubin 0.4mg/dl, S.Total Protein 7.9gm/dl, S.Alb 4.4gm/dl, S.Globulin 3.5g/dl, A/G ratio stood at 1.2/1,ALT 69 IU/l, AST 25 IU/l, S.Alk Phosph.68 IU/l, GGT 90 U/l. BUN 28mg/dl, S.creat 1mg/dl, S.Calcium 9.3mg/dl, S.Phosphorus 5.2mg/dl, S.Na+ 139mmol/l, S.K+ 4.5mmol/l, Could do a lipid profile this time which indicated S.Chol 219mg/dl, S.Triglycerides 860mg/dl, LDL 07mg/dl, VLDL 172mg/dl, HDL 40mg/dl, CHO/HDL 5.4/1 .This time in Urine he was passing Ca Oxalate crystals +/hpf, Sugar ++, Ketone bodies & Bilirubin nil, Urobilinogen Normal, Sp Gr Normal. He was on Glipizide ,Fibral, Atorin nd Liv 52 tablets.& Hematinics. He steadfastly refused referral nd informed tht he is home bound nxt mth only to report on 10/9/12 with no fresh complaints, with Total Bil. 1.6mg/dl, Direct Bil.1.0mg/dl, ALT 93.7IU/l, AST 74.3IU/l, GGT 105.6U/l, S.Alk.Phosphatase 64.8IU/l, S.Alb 3.8 g/dl,S.glob.4.8g/dl, A/G ratio 0.8/1,S.Total protein 8.3gm/l, Lipid profile stood at S.Chol 274mg/dl,S.TG a whopping 2073mg/dl, LDL 192.6mg/dl, VLDL 414.6mg/dl, HDL 52.5mg/dl, CHO/HDL 5.2/1,Due to lack of reagent S.Uric acid was not done, Blood Urea 38.9mg/dl, BUN 17.8mg/dl, S.creatinine 1mg/dl,& FBS stood @ 211mg/dl. Urine had a of 1.010, ph 6.0 with Sugar ++, Nil Albumin& Ketonebodies ,with a normal Urobilinogen with Bilirubin & blood negative....after having thought tht he had left for Bangladesh for good only to find him today resurface in gud condition with a latest ADK Hospital report reflecting RBS 182mg/dl, Lipid Profile S.Chol 191mg/dl,S.TG 869mg/dl, LDL 06mg/dl, HDL 24mg/dl, VLDL 173mg/dl, total Bil. 0.53mg/dl, Bil.Direct 0.17mg/dl, Total protein 7.77mg/dl, S.Alb 5.19gm/dl, ALT 25 IU/l, AST 16 IU/l ,Gamma GT 104u/l, Renal func.not done there, S.Na+ 132mmol/l, K+ 4mmol/l. Urine reveals Normal Sp gr 1.010 with only Glucose + as anomaly. Since, he had a return boat, couldn't scan his abdomen, put him on Gliclaz M , Metformin 1000Sr,Lopid,Dumasules,Oxigard, nd Liv 52 tabs. Ur Val. opinion nd discussion is sought here....Tnx...!!!!

  7. ...also a thought of our old Pt..........Pl. accept my tnx on behalf of Abul kalam Khan the Thyroid case....he is happy today with his Thyroid Profile normal....Foll. r the result of today:o/e P 80/mt as against >100 (on last 3 visit with raised TFT,)Currently BP 100/70, T 37'c...L/e : regression of swelling medial border SC mastoid to a minimal now....though CRP +ve, ESR 65mm/1st hr, with TFT returning to normal,& N-91%....put him on antibiotics. Neomercazole bottle of 100 tabs, he returned back to the pharmacist today nd got a refund....!! aft a wk...

  8. .....Hi...!!!..the show must go on...!!!...Dulal Miah m/44 has pain Rt.Kjt for last 3yrs with swelling on & off nd now limitation in Flexion...his chief complaint is ,tht for the last 6mths he is unable to flex the Knee jt.forcing him to avoid & perform the ritualistic motions of "Namaz" i.e his prayers for want of this action...the Rt. Kjt appeared slightly swollen as compared to the Lt....he had been taking anti inflammatory medications frm Resort Doctor on & off but now to no avail....G/c -Fair, systems nd vitals normal.Blood Inv.@Nov.2010 TLC 11,100/cmm, CRP & RF negative,Deranged Lipid profile(TG nd S.Chol high) , Feb.2011 reveals CRP -negative,S.Uric acid 5.70mg/dl,RBS 91.4mg/dl,S.Chol 254.4mg/dl. Todays Inv .reveals S.Uric acid 4.9mg/dl,CRP,RF,ASOT -ve,ESR 8mm/1st hr,S.Alkphosphatase 63IU/l,S.Calcium,Phosphorus,Na+ & K+ ,RBS,all in normal range.S.TG 290 mg/dl,S.Chol 174mg/dl,TLC 5800/cmm with N 56%.
    He also said tht during his last Bangladesh visit doctors had aspirated synovial fluid frm the Jt...for wht reason he couldn't tell...he also had repeated Xrays done which were told as normal nd wouldn't go for it again today citing paucity of funds....!!...I chalked a course of correcting his Lipid profile,pain mgmt.,Physiotherapy referal....but again he had to go back today to the high end resort of Kuramathi,located in South Ari Atoll,Maldives Islands, whr he is employed for the last 10 yrs...for a believer ,difficulty in prayer rituals of motions r a constant heartburn for him...!!...I think this home turf case ,non other thn U will throw sufficient light....!!!..Tnx...

  9. ....Corrigendum :pl read ..." complete flexion of Rt.Kjt not possible, movement only upto 30'..."...instead of complete inability to flex..Tnx...

  10. ....for the past week this is hogging all the attention & a matter of concern....Quoting TOI...."......‘Human torch’ baby tests normal, doctors stumped
    TNN | Aug 13, 2013, 04.13am

    In rare condition, Tamil Nadu infant keeps catching Fire....

    CHENNAI/PUDUCHERRY: Is a 50-day-old boy from a village in Tamil Nadu a 21st century victim of a phenomenon widely accepted in the 1800s but since dismissed by experts?

    Adding to the medical mystery that doctors confront with Rahul, whose parents claim has suddenly "caught fire" at least four times since he was born, results of preliminary tests released on Monday showed no abnormality — or any reason for the child to suffer from recurring bouts of spontaneous combustion.

    Doctors at Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, who are treating the child, conducted a series of tests to check Rahul's vital functions. "We received some of the test results and the baby's liver and kidneys seem to be fine. X-ray results show no damage to his bones," said paediatrician Dr Narayana Babu.

    The baby's blood, urine and sweat samples are also being analysed to check for any toxic substance, Dr Babu said. "We'll get the results from a chromosome test by the end of the week," he added.

    Rahul, of T Parangani in Villupuram district, has been undergoing treatment at the hospital in Chennai since Friday. Reports of his condition have generated a debate among doctors on spontaneous human combustion, with some stating that it is a possibility and others completely rejecting the theory.

    Superstitious residents of the village where the family lives believe that the baby is possessed by evil spirits. A group of residents of T Parangani had directed the baby's parents, P Karna and Rajeshwari, to leave the village and stay in a temple till the baby is "cured". Rajeshwari took Rahul to a temple in a nearby hamlet, Brammadesam, on August 5 and stayed there till officials in the district decided to move the baby to Chennai for better medical care.

    Rahul's grandfather, V Perumal, 75, said his son and daughter-in-law, both manual workers, came to the village with the baby in the third week of July.

    "My son said the baby caught fire twice when they were staying with Rajeshwari's parents," Perumal said. "I used to stay awake till 4am looking after the baby and then my wife would wake up and take over. One night, within three days of their visit, we heard the baby scream and we found a sheet near the baby on fire. Fire soon engulfed the baby's head and neck. We doused it with water."

    Perumal's wife Ponamma said their hut caught fire on July 30, making the villagers panic. "The villagers asked the parents to take the baby to a temple. None of the villagers gave us accommodation. We spent that night in the rain as the thatched roof was gutted," Ponamma said.

    The elderly couple denied charges of child abuse. "How could we torture our grandson?" Ponamma asked. "The baby's parents too would not do him any harm." Police said they did not receive any complaint of child abuse. "We have not received any complaints or direction from the government to probe whether it is a case of child abuse," said Villupuram superintendent of police S Manoharan....."....UNQUOTE... UR val.thoughts....!!!

  11. .....Ali Nabhan, m/10,Maldivian frm Iskandhar school, reported with dry hacking cough of last mth. He had a history of tonsillo pharyngitis with regular recurrence....this time around, the cough appeared stubborn....Throat appeared congested, Chest Clear ,Temp. normal, TLC was 12,100/cmm (last July in the first week,)nd was put on standard regimen to which he responded for 3-4 days wherein he could sleep well. Thereafter the cough reappeared with virulence nd dry hacking type. B/L air entry was normal, CRP, ESR, TLC, AEC, Throat C/S all turned out to be normal. CXR PA NAD, Mantoux & AFB in sputum is Negative. Cough variant asthma is prov Dx & I elicited an Atopic history for the parents....IgE I am considering....but GERD,Bordetella is on my mind....need ur deliberations & course Correction...the child is missing his school nd unable to read the comics book which he carries to the hosp. while waiting for his turn....nd the mother is worried...

  12. ...Hope ur on the way thoroughly recharged...Abdul Haq's AEC is 3850 /cmm & he is H.Pylori +ve, with c/o gurgling sound in the abdomen,nd recent spate in loose motions...mild generalised pruritus on & off...also his Na+ is 129mmol/l ,K+ 4.2mmol/l & is fatigued frequently,RBS normal.Asked for stool whole report...Ur discussion will be awaited.....!!!

  13. Shonkus, many thanks for looking after the blog in my absence.

    Let's start with the case of Sanibar Rhaman, the young man with hyperlipidimea. I believe that he has type V hyperlipidemia (Fredriksen classification), with a marked elevation in triglycerides and a lesser rise in cholesterol. Both chylomicrons and VLDL are elevated. His condition is probably due to partial lipoprotein lipase deficiency, and is likely to have been brought out by consanguinity in family tree.

    The immediate trigger for his extreme hypertriglyceridemia is his diabetes mellitus. Such patients respond very well to insulin. In fact, it'd be very difficult to control his lipids and indeed his blood sugar with OHAs. I'd strongly recommend insulin, and carry on with the fibrate and statin you have prescribed. Do not prescribe gemfibrozil with simvastatin- likely to cause rhabdomyolysis. Fenofiibrate will be safer, particularly in association with pravastatin, which, unlike simvastatin, is not metabolised by CYP3A4.

    The initial episode of hepatitis in 2012, I believe was accompanied by acute pancreatitis. The latter is a recognised risk in subjects with very high TG levels, but tend to occur in only 50% of patients. Lipase level would have been useful. Very high lipid levels interfere with electrolyte assays, LDL assays, so nothing unusual.

    Leave his blood sample in the fridge overnight. A milky supernatant (chylomicron) and a cloudy infranatant (VLDL) will confirm the diagnosis of type V hyperlipidemia.

    Ask him to avoid overly fatty food to avoid episodes such as the one in 2012, likely to occur with chylomicron loading.

  14. Dulal Miah has OA in the right knee- nothing really interesting. Show him some quads exercises, advise weight loss if overweight, and prescribe ibuprofen gel or diclofenac gel (not tablets) for topical application on knee.

  15. The 10 year old child I am not sure about. Only see adults. Might be useful to measure PEFs throughout day with a handheld device to see if there is morning dipping. GORD would be unusual in one so young, but pertussis is a possibility.

  16. Forgot to say...please ask Sanibar to refrain from excessive alcohol- can cause a similar flare of TG.

    I have forgotten your previous reference to Abdul Haq. Could you please reacquaint me with the original context?

  17. Tnx for ur attending to all these,it has really recharged me further,Abt the last case Abdul Haq"Quote"...Hope ur on the way thoroughly recharged...Abdul Haq's AEC is 3850 /cmm & he is H.Pylori +ve, with c/o gurgling sound in the abdomen,nd recent spate in loose motions...mild generalised pruritus on & off...also his Na+ is 129mmol/l ,K+ 4.2mmol/l & is fatigued frequently,RBS normal.Asked for stool whole report...Ur discussion will be awaited.....!!!"Unquote"

  18. Ah..I somehow thought Abdul Haq is somebody we've already discussed on this blog, but he's obviously a "new patient".

    Some important pointers are present to the diagnosis. The low Na, high eosinophil count, diarrhoea and fatigue...all point to adrenal insufficiency.

    Addisons is not very common among Asians, but can occur. Tuberculosis of adrenals is a worrying possibility. Would recommend short synachthen (ACTH) test, and chest X-ray. Different labs have different protocols for doing the short synachthen test, but here we give an IM injection of 250 ug synachthen stat, and check the serum cortisol just before the injection and after 30 minutes. A serum cortisol level of 15 ug/dl 30 minutes after IM ACTH virtually rules out primary, but not secondary adrenal insufficiency.

  19. ...Tnx...will definitely explore this...he will revert back nxt wk. frm Kanduludhoo Island Resort.Regarding ur latest elaborate whts "...enhancement on T2 weighted images on MRI..."

  20. MR scans can be performed so that certain tissues preferentially show up better than others. Thus a "T1 weighted" image shows up fat very well, while areas containing a lot of water, such as tissues with inflammation or oedema, are delineated sharply on T2 weighted images. This lady had evidence of lots of water in her muscles, consistent with either inflammation or oedema.

  21. ....Tnx...will revert back...

  22. .....Rohim Miah m/24 was admitted @IGMH(Indira Gandhi Memorial Hosp.)last week with Fever,Fatigue,Vomitting & Dizziness.He was discharged today only to find him in my clinic with c/o Cough,vague chest pain. Inv.thr revealed Albuminuria 2+,RBC 8-10/hpf,Normal counts.Re investigating him today & upon Examn.found diminished air entry Rt.lower lung field , cough, T- 37.8'C. Reinv@amdc CXR reveal patchy infiltrates R lower lobe Lungs;Lab reported Urinary Albumin +,RBC 6-8/hpf,WBC 18-20/hpf,Urine c/s awaited,Platelets Normal & Widal Negative.CRP & ESR at the time of reporting awaited....ur val.inputs...!!...also wrking on ur last posting....Tnx...

  23. Seems like a straightforward case of community acquired pneumonia. Antibiotics would depend on local sensitivity- we tend to use amoxycillin or co-amoxiclav with clarithromycin for 7 days.

    Would recommend repeat chest Xray in 6 weeks to document radiological resolution, as sometimes other conditions, such as cancer, can mimic pneumonia.

  24. ....Tnx...yes...CRP is -ve & ESR is 20mm/1st hr...Here I am using Cefuroxime Axetil & Cipro...he has responded positively...but the Albuminuria bothered me initially....
